COVID-19 November Update

POSTED: 06/11/2020

In this time of uncertainty with the progression of the COVID-19 outbreak, we are reaching out personally to assure you that your safety and comfort remain our highest priority at Staffordshire Triumph. Our thoughts are with those who are affected by this virus and those who are caring for them.

Please find below an update on what we are doing to ensure maximum flexibility and safety for customer needs here at Staffordshire Triumph.

In Summary:

  • The showroom doors will have to remain closed, but we will be able to accept bikes for servicing outside and socially distanced, much like back in the Spring 2020, including sanitised bike drop off zones and sanitisation of bikes / keys prior to customer collection.
  • Sales will be conducted remotely and strictly appointment only, with the continuation of contactless enquiry techniques including email, phone, and WhatsApp video walk rounds. Handovers will be conducted outside of the showroom with contactless delivery offered subject to distance and cost, we will endeavour to cater at all eventualities.

We will continue to exercise various ways of preventing the spread of Covid-19. This includes:

  • Reduction in the number of staff on-site at any one time, so please be patient if waiting times are increased due to this lower staffing levels
  • Emphasizing frequent and proper handwashing techniques
  • Increasing the frequency of our cleaning regime and schedules around the business
  • Cleaning high contact points more frequently and on a regular basis throughout the day
  • Voluntary AM and PM temperature checks on staff attending that day to ensure early detection of possible infection
  • Hand sanitiser will be freely available (subject to supply stability) for all customers and staff to use as required
  • We will follow every day the instructions laid down by the government and health professionals as and when they are released

Flexibility with Customers:

  • Enhancing the ability to remotely purchase our products by using remote services including sending photos and in-depth descriptions of the bikes and products of interest
  • Contactless and remote payments to reduce the chance of contact.
  • Outdoor 'social distancing friendly' viewings of bikes
  • Delivery of bikes and products to your house or safe place
  • Test Rides will be available, but only pre-booked
  • Delivery of bikes and products to your house or safe place
© Copyright 2025 Staffordshire Triumph. All rights reserved

Staffordshire Triumph LTD, is Authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA No 676123) This allows Staffordshire Triumph LTD to act as a credit broker not as a lender, for the introduction to a limited number of finance providers. We may receive a comission for introducing you to a lender. You have the right to ask us to disclose the income that we will receive. If you make such a request, we will disclose the amount to you without delay.

A copy of our Initial Disclosure Document can requested by emailing

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